Dragonheroes Of Atlantia Book One: Arrival.


   The first novel in the Dragonheroes saga.
   A high school quiz team on their way to the state championship finals, is transported to an alternate Earth, a world called Atlantia by its inhabitants.
   In a world that had lost its magic, at a time when all seemed lost, could a group of geeks, and a family touring the USA in their RV, restore folk's belief in miracles?
   Special Agent Serelynne Song, and her sister Raevyn, aka "The Zombie Appocalypse Barbies", who are caught up while driving their younger brothers to the quiz team championship finals, are certain the answer is yes.
   An ancient dragon, is awakened from a slumber hundreds of years long by a pulse of magic. Magic that had not been felt on Atlantia for hundreds of years. The masters had returned, but would they be worthy, could they meet the darkness face to face, and stand against it?

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